Learn More About Wallbeds
What is a Wallbed?
William Murphy was dating a woman in San Francisco in the late 1800s. Murphy could only afford a one-room apartment in the city. Courtship guidelines at the time, women and men were not supposed to be together in a room that held a bed. This put a damper on Murphy’s plans to invite his girlfriend up to his apartment.
So, he came up with an idea. Why not fold his bed into the wall when it wasn’t in use? Voila, the bed disappeared, and suddenly it became socially acceptable for him to spend time in his apartment with his girlfriend. Murphy eventually married his girlfriend, and his bed concept caught on around the world.
Today, Murphy or a Wallbeds-Etc bed make the ideal addition to small spaces such as studio apartments and guest rooms. They fold away to free up space in rooms where you need a bed for practical reasons but really don’t have the space to house it. When you add a Wallbed you give the room a dual purpose it otherwise couldn’t fulfill, just as Murphy himself envisioned more than a century ago.
Advantages of a Wallbed
You can enjoy many advantages when you purchase a custom wall bed for your home. Here are just a few reasons why Wallbeds make an excellent investment for homeowners in in Edmonton and region:
Giving you more places to put guests: Most homes could use more space, especially when people come to visit. You don’t want to lose your entire living room to a guest — then you have nowhere to sit as you catch up.
Making an economical purchase: Murphy beds are affordable and pay off over the long haul, as you won’t have to pay for people to stay at hotels when they come to town. And they add value to your home
Showing people you care: When you put guests on the floor or in a child’s room, it’s an impersonal way to host them. Giving them their own space and own room reflects your desire for them to relax and enjoy their time with you.
Allowing your home to adjust with you: Did you recently send a child off to college or into the real world? You undoubtedly want the space in their bedroom for everyday use, like a Home Office but you also want a place for them to stay when they return. A Home Office Murphy bed gives you the chance to do both.
Fitting your needs: Murphy beds are versatile. With different sizes, different styles and different setups available, one that works best for your particular space can be yours. Few pieces of furniture offer so many customization options.